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见月读体律师的律学思想研究 |
【资料形态】硕博文库 【中文关键词】见月; 律宗; 律学思想; 传戒; 丛林兴革; 【英文关键词】Jianyue; Vinaya School; Vinaya teaching; Precept transmission; Reformation of monastic discipline; 【中文摘要】本论文名为“见月读体律师的律学思想研究”。见月是明末清初重兴律宗的巨匠,被尊为律宗千华派二祖。他依三昧律师受具足戒后,即随侍三昧传戒诸方,并开始阅读律藏,后继主宝华山隆昌寺法席。见月一生以弘扬戒律为使命,自身禀性正直,规过无隐,生平行事,依佛制律,如法严持。其戒律思想具融通特色,并肯定了戒律的神圣性、及其对僧众的重要性;于传戒上,依律藏建立布萨、传戒正范、刊定法典,使后世学者知所遵行,不堕非法,并建立石戒坛,垂范后世,成为各方的模范;于丛林兴革上亦取得相当的成绩,他以戒律为基础,首先建立规制,革除弊端,其次以谨遵佛制而行事,后继之以建设道场,为天下丛林创立风范,隆昌寺被誉为“天下第一戒坛”,是明末清初时成功改革丛林的典范。 【英文摘要】This thesis presents a study on the Vinaya teaching of Preceptor Jianyue Douti. Master Jianyue was one of the masters who revived the teaching of Vinaya School in the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, and has been recognized as the second patriarch of the Qianhua Sect of the Vinaya School. After his full ordination by Preceptor Sanmei, Jianyue assisted Master Sanmei to transmit the precepts in various places and began to study the Vinaya pitaka himself. Later, he became the ...