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念佛四十八法:44) 难中持名

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念佛四十八法:44) 难中持名


  44) 难中持名

  Buddha Recitation in Time of Calamity

  If you remember to practice Buddha Recitation in time of calamity, you will receive a wonderful response. Take a country suffering invasion or a village decimated by a plague. In both places, Buddha Recitation should be practiced steadfastly. If one person recites, one per-son is at peace; if a hundred persons recite, a hundred are at peace. It is not that the Buddha is being partial, but rather that he always appears in the equal, non-discriminating light… the light of the Buddha coming to protect us,

  the Dharma-protecting deities rescuing us – we will naturally escape danger and calamity. Do not doubt this.

  凡难中有发心念佛者,必有奇应。虽遍地干戈、一乡疫厉,而求佛呵护者,一即一 安,百即百安,非佛之有私也,亦平等光中无心而应也。何以故?动念发声,觉阿弥 陀佛光明住我顶上,则自然念念具足,念念坚固,念念长久,佛光所加,吉神拥护, 自能离难,勿转念也。


  Some people may ask: how can reciting the Buddha’s name eliminate calamities? They ask because they are not earnest or are doubtful about obtaining a response. These very doubts show why they do not obtain favorable results. You should realize that when we think only of Buddha Recitation and nothing else, our thoughts transcend body and mind. If such pure thoughts are stretched out [over hours and days…], what suffering can affect us? There is a great deal of significance to the saying:

  A good response is due to the self; Non-response is also due to the self.

  If one person, then many persons begin to recite the Buddha’s name, they are abandoning ev il thoughts for good thoughts. If these good thoughts fo lo w one after another without end, what disaster cannot be eradicated, what suffering cannot be dispelled?

  Furthermore, the sutras record ten specific benefits of reciting the Buddha’s name… I urge practitioners to strengthen their faith and redouble their efforts.


念佛四十八法:45) 梦中持名

念佛四十八法:46) 病中持名

念佛四十八法:47) 临命终持名

念佛四十八法:48) 发愿忏悔持名

念佛四十八法:Notes - by Van Hien



念佛四十八法:43) 成就他人持名

念佛四十八法:42) 聚会持名

念佛四十八法:41) 结期持名

念佛四十八法:40) 孤身持名

念佛四十八法:39) 持而不持持名

华人学佛第一选择 (2020-2030)